ASSIST: Our Mission and Vision

ASSIST's Mission

ASSIST’s mission is to help severely disabled applicants who are eligible for Social Security Disability benefits, with an emphasis on serving people of color. We use a proactive and successful application method of navigating the notoriously difficult federal benefits claim process. Most of our cases are approved as soon as possible without the need for a multi-year appeal. We are aware of the barriers and trauma that applicants of color face in pursuing their benefits. We are intentional in using a social justice, compassionate approach to build a sense of safety with our clients and to sustain relationships with the community organizations who refer to us. Receiving disability income and health insurance helps to both prevent poverty and resolve homelessness, which disproportionately affects African Americans and the BIPOC community.

Homeless Disabled Man

ASSIST's Vision

  • Increase our applicants of color by an additional 20% in the next 2 years from a current average of 30%.
  • Increase our staff of color and others who are bilingual for better representation of our client base.
  • Expand strong partnerships with local government and community organizations, including culturally specific organizations, to provide proper representation to people with severe disabilities in applying for their disability benefits.
  • Continue our homelessness prevention and mental health support for people who experience mental illness and severe disabilities.

ASSIST is a 501(c)3 non-profit.